Pontifical University of John Pauł II Logo



Full-time programs


Communication and media studies 

Our Faculty of Social Science offers a first-cycle/undergraduate (BA) program Communication and media studies. You can find out more about the program hereIn case of questions contact the office: cms@upjp2.edu.pl.

Philosophy, Ethics and Religion 

MA Program offered by the Faculty of Philosophy - is a two-year, graduate studies for candidates holding a BA or an MA diploma (or their equivalents). You can learn more about the program here. In case of questions please contact the head of studies dr Amadeusz Pala: amadeusz.pala@upjp2.edu.pl or the Faculty's office: wf@upjp2.edu.pl
We recommend visiting the Faculty of Philosophy page, it has a lot of useful information for foreigners willing to study at UPJPII.


Study programs in Polish  

Check programs taught in Polish at our Polish Admission webpage.





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