Useful information and Emergency contacts
( emergency contacts )
Emergency number 112 is your life-saving number
112 is the European emergency phone number, available everywhere in the EU, free of charge. You can call 112 from fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. In Poland 112 calls are answered by the Fire Brigade and Police.
999 Ambulance Service
998 Fire Brigade
997 Police
986 Municipal Police
(country code for calling in Poland +48)
( useful information )
→ Welcome pack for foreigners ( PL / EN / UA / RU )
→ Guide to procedures for legalizing the stay and employment of foreigners in Poland ( PL / EN )
→ Education in Krakow - what should foreigners know? ( PL / EN / UA / RU )
( official hotline )
About entry, stay and work in Poland for third-country nationals (+48) 12 210 20 20
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