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(  legalisation of stay  )

Apart from the law on entering the territory of Poland, as a foreigner, you are subject to certain laws that regulate your stay in our country during your studies. Polish law introduces different requirements for EU/EFTA and non-EU/EFTA citizens with regard to legalisation of stay. In general, the requirements will differ based on the duration of your stay (stay up to 3 months, from 3 months to 5 years and permanent residence). As a student, you will most probably be interested in the first two options. Please find more information on website of Malopolska Voivodship Office in Cracow and Office for Foreigners.

Moreover, we also encourage you to visit the YouTube channel of the Malopolska Voivodship Office, where you can find a lot of useful information. 


(  department for foreigners  )

Małopolska Provincial Office in Krakow, Department for Foreigners

phone.png   (+48) 12 39 21 854
mail.png  sc@malopolska.uw.gov.pl
map.png  31-547 Krakow, ul. Przy Rondzie 6


(  official hotline  )

Entry, stay and work in Poland for third-country nationals
phone icon  (+48) 12 210 20 20
mail icon  

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