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( Applicants with dissabillities )


(  adapted entrance exams  )


Applicants who require support in terms of equalizing opportunities during entrance exams should report this to the Office for Persons with Disabilities at the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow. Applicants with disabilities may apply for adapted exam formats tailored to their needs arising from their disabilities. The format of the exam is determined by the faculty admissions committee no later than 14 days before the exam date.



(  consultation at the office  )


Applicants with special needs may obtain information regarding the scope of support during the admission and tuition process, as well as assistance in choosing a course of study in which they will be able to study effectively. Individuals interested in consultation are kindly requested to arrange a meeting in advance via email or telephone.



(  contact us  )


Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow supports students with special needs and disabillities through the efforts of the Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Rector's Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities. An individual approach to each student's needs ensures that many students with special needs acquire education in our academic community.


  (+48) 519 323 345



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