Pontifical University of John Pauł II Logo



list of required documents  )
Please prepare the documents listed below and contact the program's office for further details.
( 1 )   the transript of records
( 2 )  the syllabus of each subject you want to transfer (officially issued by  the university)
( 3 )  the learning outcomes you will achieve by completing the subject program, if not stated in the syllabus (officially issued by the university)
*All documents must be translated into English by a sworn/certified translator (in case of documents provided in other languages).
deadline  )
Students should submit the application to the Head of studies within the first 7 days of the new semester.
(  documents to download  )
Please downoad and sign the Application
for Transfer and Recogntion of ECTS and send it
to the Head of studies and secretary' s office   →   

Application for
Tranfer and Recogntion of ECTS


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