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Language proficiency

Applicants for English-language program must submit a document confirming language proficiency during online admission:

 B1 - in the case of first-cycle studies and long-cycle studies;

 B2 - in the case of second-cycle studies.

The documents confirming English language proficiency of at least B2 or B1 level, within the meaning of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, are in particular:

  • the documents referred to in Appendix No. 2 to the Regulation of the Prime Minister on the manner of conducting qualification proceedings in the civil service (Dz. U z 2021r., poz. 141) [In Polish: Załącznik nr 2 do Rozporządzenia Prezesa Rady Ministrów w sprawie sposobu przeprowadzania postępowania kwalifikacyjnego w służbie cywilnej (Dz. U z 2021r., poz. 141)]. Some of them can be found in attached document below.
  • a certificate, diploma or other document confirming the completion of a secondary school abroad, in which classes were conducted in English;
  • a certificate or attestation certifying knowledge of English to at least B2 level (iin the case of first-cycle studies and uniform master's studies - at least B1 level) to within the meaning of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages issued by a language school or other educational institution providing English language courses
  • a diploma supplement issued in the Republic of Poland since 2012, provided that it includes information indicating that the graduate has acquired command of English at B2 level
  • a higher education diploma/diploma supplement, where the language of instruction was English, or a certificate confirming the completion of such studies, in case the candidate has not been awarded a diploma yet;
  • a certificate issued by the Interfaculty Centre of Foreign Languages after passing online language proficiency test.  More information here.

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