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Filozofia, specjalność: Philosophy, Ethics and Religion



 group_1849.png Program description    group_1850.png Courses    group_1851.png Eligibility criteria  group_1844_1.png  Admission schedule  vector.png Required documents
 group_1853.png Fees   vector_2.png Contact 



"Philosophy, Ethics, and Religion” is a 2-year MA program for both Polish and foreign students. All offered courses are taught entirely in the English language. The studies are meant to develop philosophical skills and competencies that are useful in the professional, public, and private spheres (e.g., critical thinking, creativity, rationality, and effective argumentation). The courses are planned in a balanced way and work towards the development of the philosophy students’ skills and knowledge. However! The program is also suitable for graduates from different fields – all students will be provided with a solid philosophical foundation and a comprehensive understanding of current philosophical, religious, and scientific debates. Students will develop their abilities to discuss philosophy in the English language and it is therefore also recommended for those students who intend to have an academic career in the field. Studies are planned to balance work and education- allowing students to pursue their career simultaneously with studies. This MA is designed to be your great intellectual adventure – our knowledge and experience will guide your passion and philosophical interest on the path of your development. Graduates are not limited to only academic careers, though! The program may also be useful to translators who want to specialize in philosophical literature. Furthermore, the philosophical skills gained from our studies are useful to candidates who want to work as financial, ethical, or environmental analysts, human rights experts, social media coordinators, creative writers, or researchers. The studies help students to express themselves in spoken and written language. This particular MA degree, obtained here at UPJPII, is equivalent to a Licentiate, which gives the graduate qualifications to teach in church institutions.

More information group_1869.png


List of program courses is available here  group_1869.png


Admission criteria are available here  group_1869.png



Admission schedule is available here  group_1869.png


Polish document
  • diploma of studies (a copy supplied to the office, the original presented for inspection);
Foreign document
  • diploma of studies (a scan for on-line recruitment, a copy in the office, the original for inspection),
  • diploma supplement / transcript of grades (a scan for on-line recruitment, a copy left in the office, the original available for inspection),
  • apostille/legalization,
  • official translation of the diploma and the supplement (applies only to the documents that were NOT issued in Polish or English),
  • document confirming that the diploma entitles to apply for admission to a second-cycle program of studies at any type of university (applies only if there is no such information on the document),
  • certificate of recognition of the diploma (applies only to diplomas that are not recognized in the territory of the Republic of Poland by law or under international agreements);

Additional documents for all
  • application form (generated completion of the online recruitment procedure),
  • document confirming knowledge of English at B2 level;
Additional documents
  • power of attorney - in case of persons who submit documents through an attorney.



Admission fee is 85 PLN. More information about admission fee here.

Polish citizens and International students pay tuition fee for this study program. Tuition fee is 5 600 PLN per semester.


Wydział Filozoficzny UPJPII

ul. Kanonicza 9/203, 31-002 Kraków
tel. +48 12 8898 608

e-mail: wf@upjp2.edu.pl

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