Admission criteria

To learn how to calculate the recruitment score, you must find the correct document based on which you will apply for admission to the studies, and then click the "read more" button


Polish diploma

Admission to second-cycle studies may be based on: a diploma of completion of first-cycle studies, uniform master's studies, or other second-cycle studies.

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W=0,75*OD + 0,25*ŚO

OD: Points for the grade obtained on a higher education diploma calculated according to the formula::


O min – the lowest possible grade to obtain, on the scale in which the grade was given;

O max – the highest possible grade to obtain, on the scale in which the grade was given;

grade - grade on the candidate's diploma.

: The points for the average grade from studies are calculated according to the formula



average grade – average grade on the candidate's diploma;

O min – the lowest possible grade to obtain, on the scale in which the grade was given;

O max – the highest possible grade to obtain, on the scale in which the grade was given.

The candidate at the stage of electronic registration is obliged to present the scale of the evaluation.


Foreign diploma

A document from outside the Polish education system confirming the completion of higher education abroad. Familiarize yourself with the requirements that a diploma issued abroad must meet in order for you to participate in the recruitment process.

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score – graduation score, as a rule the grade on the diploma, and in case of its absence: point score, average grade from the

O min – the lowest possible score to obtain, on the scale in which it was obtained;

O max – the highest possible score to be achieved, on the scale in which it was obtained.

When the result of the studies is expressed in letter form, the method of its conversion is determined by general rules adopted at the University.

At the stage of electronic registration the candidate is obliged to present the scale in which the result was obtained.


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